Let’s all read one book together over the next five weeks and use the book to spark discussion, deepen our knowledge of Virginia politics, and equip us in our fight against a cynical and corrupt political system.

The book is “The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power After 2016” (The History Press), by Jeff Thomas. This is the sequel to Thomas’ earlier book that came out three years ago just as former governor Robert McDonnell and his wife faced a corruption trial that showed the rest of the country that Virginia’s myth of “the Virginia Way” of genteel politicians working together for the common good was, in fact, a perfect label for how both parties have long colluded with corporate interests to put power and profits over the will of the people.

Special Event Saturday, January 4, 2020

We hope many of you will read The Virginia Way. For concerned voters and activists, the book is truly a must read. The Virginia Justice Democrats are planning a special event on Saturday, January 4th that will bring people together in person and virtually to begin an in depth exploration of the themes and topics that Jeff Thomas has carefully researched and detailed to stunning effect.

We can’t think of a more relevant book to read right now. Even though the legislature has flipped to the Democrats, corporate influence is as pervasive as ever.

You can buy the book from your local bookseller, or online at Arcadia publishing here or on Amazon. Or borrow it from your library or maybe a friend. Read it over the holidays. And let’s talk on January 4!